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WOORI Bank, Establishing a ‘Financial Consumer Protection and Risk Management’ Organization

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-07-26 10:19 END7
#WOORI Bank #protection departmen #support department

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = WOORI Bank establishes a social contribution department for financial consumer protection and social contribution activities and a global risk support department for the efficient management and support of a global network.

It is going to strengthen the capacity of internal control and risk management about 413 overseas branches which are in 25 countries worldwide through the establishment of a global risk support department within a global group.

Especially, the global risk support department will preemptively respond to the global risk by establishing the organic cooperation system between the dedicated department of risk management and internal control of a head office and overseas branches.


A WOORI Bank official said, “We will make the best practices of a financial sector which fulfill social responsibility through embracing financial practice along with the enterprise growth”, and “We will make the qualitative growth fulfilled with a thorough risk management as we currently have 413 overseas branches that are close to half of the domestic ones.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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