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SK extends its way to an environmental project in Brunei - an exclusive two year contract

NSP NEWS, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-09-04 00:47 END7
#SK #Brunei #sanitation #environment #sewerage

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = SK Engineering & Construction Co Ltd of South Korea signed a collaboration agreement with Brunei government on September 2, to enhance sanitation facilities in Brunei, the nation pushing itself to improve the sewerage system throughout the country.

SK Engineering will take part in the 250-million-dollar-scale pilot project for revamping sanitation facilities in Lambak Kanan and Kampong Ayer. As environmental project is an uncharted territory for Korean construction firms, the pioneering step of SK is expected to give the firm a vantage point, staying ahead of its competitors.

SK has further business schemes for exporting environmental technologies to other developing nations. It has already been involved in an environmental improvement project in Yangon, Myanmar in 2013.


Kwang-Chul Choi, the CEO of SK Engineering & Construction Co Ltd, said “Through this agreement, SK obtains two year exclusive right for developing sanitation facilities in Brunei. We will put our best efforts to start the construction work as early as possible.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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