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Missha, Advance into Spain, accelerate developing Europe market

NSP NEWS, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2015-10-20 20:23 END7
#Missha #미샤

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Missha, a brand of cosmetics has advanced into Spain subsequently in Germany.

Recently Able C&C (representative Yeongpil Seo) has opened exclusive shop in Barcelona Spain. Missha is running three shops in Spain now including Seville and Madrid.

The opening event has attracted attention from local medias because a famous journalist Melissa Jimenez who is wife of football player Marc Bartra playing in FC Barcelona has presided that event.


Able C&C said “Spain is one of main markets, ranked 5 in Europe, is recovering from recent depression. This made us decide to advance into Spain.” and explained “Especially during economic depression the need of low price cosmetics was bigger. At the same time increasing amount of import of Korean cosmetics. These are main reasons advancing into Spain.”

So it is expected that advancing into Europe of Missha is getting faster. Missha said that because of good responses in Germany, considering to open two more shops in Berlin and Munich.

Besides, Missha is running about 2100 shops in 30 countries.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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