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Samsung Electronics, completed paying compensation to 30 employees

NSP NEWS, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2015-10-21 18:48 END7
#삼성전자 #반도체

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Samsung Electronics has reached agreement with 30 employees retired from semiconductor factory with paying disease compensation in initial on Oct. 21.

So it is expected that more than 50 people might receive compensation till end of this month.

There are someone who are informants belong SHARPS (Supporters of the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry. Named Ban Ol Rim in Korean) and applicants of industrial accident among who have received compensation. Till now there are 90 people apply compensation, including who retired from cooperative companies.


“It will take time that victims and their families prepare documents and compensation committee that is an independent organization deliberates them.” the official of Samsung Electronics said, “Lawyers and certified labor attorneys visit victims to help them submit documents, so it will increase number of people who receive compensation.”
Moreover, Samsung Electronics is visiting victims individually to delivery written apology by Ohyeon Kwon, representative of Samsung Electronics.

Samsung Electronics will receive application of compensation via homepage, telephone and email until Dec. 31. If applicants want to, working staffs will visit them help applying.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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