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Shilla Hotel selected as the best hotel brand

NSP NEWS, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-11-13 11:42 END7
#hotel #shilla #hayatt #lotte #realmeter

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = Realmeter Korea, an opinion surveyor, announces that Shilla Hotel has topped in the latest poll of Top 10 Brand Hotel. Lotte hotel, previously was the second in the same survey last February, has ranked at third, giving its position to Hayatt Hotel.

Under the category of Brand Preference, 25.9 percent of respondents chose Shilla above all prestigious hotels, followed by Hayatt(9.1%) and Lotte(8.2%). Hayatt has moved up from previous fourth to second place, despite its percentage point has dropped slightly from 9.4 to 9.1 percent. On the contrary, Lotte has lost 5.5 percent, moved down to the third place.

Hilton hotel(6.6%) comes next to Lotte, followed by Sheraton(5.3%) and Intercontinental(5.3%). The other hotels got a rate of under five percent: Western Chosun(4.8%), Marriott(1.9%), Ambassador(1.8%), Renaissance(1.8%).


According to the survey result, Shilla got significant supports from those who are in their 40s. The group of stay-at-home mom respondents preferred Shilla(32.3%), prior to Hilton(11.7%) and Lotte(10.3%). Meanwhile, the group of office workers opted for Shilla(25.9%), followed by Hayatt(10.3%) and Hilton(7.8%).

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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