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JW Medical, Incubator production exceeds 10,000

NSP NEWS, By sanghyun Kim Journal, 2015-11-13 15:36 END7
#jw medical #incubator #CFDA

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) sanghyun Kim Journalist = Incubators production developed by JW Medical(JW Holdings’s subsidiary company, CEO YongGap Noh) with domestic technology has exceeded 10,000 devices.

Incubator is an essential medical device providing an environment similar to the body of the mother for the care of premature babies and JW Medical succeeded in the localization in 1989
Recently, JW Medical has acquired the U.S. FDA approval and the European CE certifications, as well as, CFDA(China Food and Drug Administration) approval to expand into the incubator market in China with the annual scale of 250 million(USD), and has been spurring their efforts to expand into and firmly establish in the overseas markets. 
Also, JW Medical is planning to lead the localization of medical devices such as premature incubator, LED surgical lights, examination tables and digital X-ray machines.
CEO of JW Medical, YongGap Noh said “JW Medical has been providing the excellent quality medical devices with reasonable prices by continuing research and development” “We will dedicate our utmost efforts to becoming a customer-centered company that provides optimized services to meet customer’s needs with building our total operating room portfolio.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV sanghyun Kim Journalist,
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