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Joy Farm exports Sancheong strawberry to Canada

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-11-23 23:34 END7
#joy #farm #strawberry #Sancheong #Canada

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = Sancheong-gun, a county in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, announced on November 20 that the county’s well known Agriculture Corporation Joy Farm plans to export a total of 4 tons of strawberries to Canada by the end of upcoming December.

The quarantine process had restrained the company from shipping its products to Canada, before the two countries reached an agreement for strawberry trade in last June. This could be a milestone for the company to blaze a trail into the North America market.

“Although the quantity of total export is modest in this time, its significance lies in that Korea’s strawberry market made inroads into the North America market.” Bukwon Lee, a representative of Joy Farm said.


Meanwhile, Joy Farm aims at expanding the strawberry business beyond the domestic market in this year, with a 21,000-square-meter new cultivation area.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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