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Samsung Electronics, MSIP adopt ‘Samsung Pay’ in ‘Market Pay’ to activate traditional markets

NSP NEWS, By sanghyun Kim Journal, 2015-11-26 03:02 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) sanghyun Kim Journalist = Samsung Electronics has signed MOU agreement of FinTech simple payment business to activate traditional markets on November 20th with Korea Postal Service Agency (POSA) of Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)

This strategic alliance is the way to mount “Market Pay“ is being developed by MSIP in order to activate traditional markets as part of “creative economy vitamin project” in “Samsung Pay”

In addition, they will cooperate in various areas related to FinTech service for traditional markets.


“Market Pay” is being developed by MSIP targeting the first half of next year with a new service that consumers can simply and conveniently pay through smartphone in traditional markets.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV sanghyun Kim Journalist,
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