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Samsung Electronics and SK Telecom developed and demonstrated SDN

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2015-12-08 03:52 END7
#삼성전자 #SK텔레콤 #SDN

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Samsung Electronics succeeded in developing and demonstrating a dispersion LTE switch board named SDN based Evolved Packet Core which is based on the next generation communication technology, cooperated with SK Telecom.

The dispersion LTE switch boards assure efficient data transmission, keeping even big-data good quality, by means of dispersed placement switch boards. This arrangement is not same in the past that all switch boards are located in one place.

When SDN technology is generalized, it will be favorable for applying new service, because of being easy to disperse and reconstitute mobile network.


Especially the mobile carrier is able to improve the qualities of the customer's data transference experiences innovatively and can provide private network service without install a new network for companies and public institutions.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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