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LG Electronics, releases a Bluetooth headset 'TONE Plus'

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2015-12-29 00:14 END7
#LG전자 #TONE Plus

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = LG Electronics releases the 'Tone Plus (HBS-910)' 2016 edition in 'CES 2016' the World Home Appliances Fair, held in Las Vegas, USA next month.

This product is a premium Bluetooth headset 'TONE Plus' series (HBS-910, HBS-900) which are able to provide outstanding sound through a technical cooperation with 'Harman Kardon' an expert sound equipment company.

'TONE Plus' 2016 edition reduced weight by means of installation an automatic coil-up module. LG applied their own technology 'Advanced Quad Layer diaphragms' to this new good, in order to realize the higher quality premium sound.


The 4-layered diaphragms are able to make both of rich bass sound and clear treble. This headset is equipped a headset application (LG Tone & Talk) to record voice in the smartphone by controlling button.

Moreover, users may easily find their phones by means of using a 'Searching Phone' function in the headset application.

LG Electronics releases this product in the global markets start from the USA in next Feb, continually in Korea, Europe, Central-South America, and Asia in order.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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