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Oh-Hyun Kwon, Vice-chairman of Samsung electronics, Emphasized "Boundaries between Industries are Crumbling Down … Competition in Novel Way"

NSP NEWS, By Hanah Choi Journalis, 2016-01-05 12:38 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = The opening ceremony for 2016 was held in Umyeon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, R & D campus on 4th participated by about 500 people that consist of presidents including Oh-Hyun Kwon, CEO & Vice-chairman, and employees.

Mr. Kwon predicted in his New Year's message that world economic recession will be continued in this year too and uncertainties such as emerging nation's financial risk is going expand.

Furthermore, he expected that due to the fact that IT industry has proceeded at an unprecedented pace, competition for its primary products such as smart phone, TV, memory, etc. will become more intensified.


Mr. Kwon stated"since in fusion area such as Fin Tech, Mobile Health, etc. the boundaries between industries are crumbling down, competition in an unexperienced, novel way is essential.”

He contintued emphasizing that"innovation enterprise model such as O2O(online to offline), sharing economy, etc. is diminishing the value of hardware and is changing the frame of competition with software and platform"and that"competence and system which enable taking the lead in novel frame of competition must be established."

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist,
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