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Nongshim, Last year Revenue in China Recorded $200, the Best Performance to Date.

NSP NEWS, By Hanah Choi Journalis, 2016-02-06 09:32 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = Korean food-maker, Nongshim's revenue in China surpassed $200 in last year, its best performance to date.

Nongshim said on the 4th the sales of Nongshim China which is an Chinese corporate body reached $ 210 million in 2015.

Its sales in China surged 16.6 percent compared to the previous year, a record high. Main product, Shin Ramen also increased in sales 25 percent that was $50 million at a Chinese market at the same time.


This year, Nongshim has set its sights on logging more than $300 million in sales in China by increasing its monthly ramen production capacity at its Shanghai plant in this year and further promoting its bottled water brand Baeksansu.

In order to continue this growth, Nongshim is going to build more plants in Shanghai and pursue Baeksansu promotion and its marketing reinforcement.

Nongshim said in a statement that,"as main brands of occupying Chinese market, Shin ramen and Kimch ramen are in upper rank of sales ranking in Taobao mall"and “both sales and brand awareness increases at the same time, potentiating mutually.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist,
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