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Doota Mall promotes a luxury market with merchant association of Dogndaemun

NSP NEWS, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-07-13 01:49 END7
#두타몰 #상인연합회 #중소기업청 #서울시 #중구

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Doota Mall (representative Yongman Cho) signed a business agreement for promoting Dongdaemun market as a luxury market with SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration of Korea), Seoul city, Junggu in Seoul and merchant association of Dongdaemun global luxury market, in JW Marriot Dongdaemun square on 11th.

This agreement was signed for developing traditional market around Dongdaemun as a must sight-seeing course for foreign tourists by means of blending the Korean contents in the market.

It is planed that SMBA, Seoul city and Junggu in Seoul provide various matter such as policy, merchant association provides original contents of Dongdaemun market and cooperates by communicating with each merchants and Doota Mall provides work implementation ability such as manpower, plan and marketing.


Total working expense is 6 billion won, SMBA, Seoul city and Junggu in Seoul support 5 billion won, Doosan supports 1 billion won.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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