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Shinsegae Starfield Hanam opens electric vehicle 'Tesla' store

NSP NEWS, By jonghyuk Kim Journal, 2016-09-03 01:24 END7
#신세계 #테슬라 #전기차 #스타필드

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Shinsegae department store opens the first in Korea, 'Tesla retail store' in 'Starfield Hanna' which is a suburb type complex shopping mall, will open up on 9th in Hanam, gyeonggi. The store is 211㎡ area and will be opened later this year.

Through this cooperation, Shinsegae gets domestic Tesla store, Tesla installs charging infrastructures in the various distribution facilities of Shinsegae group.

Shinsegae plans to install 25 Tesla 'Destination charging infrastructure's by the first half of next year in the various distribution channels of Shinsegae group like department stores, E-mart, Premium outlet, Chosun Hotel and Starbucks.


Destination charging infrastructure is the charging station for only Tesla customers that customers may charge vehicles during shopping and having meals or staying hotel.

The official of Tesla said “we are considering installing new stores in the new Shinsegae stores open in 2017 and 2018 including Shinsegae department store Gangnam, in order to expanding brand”.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist,
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