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Moody's Visited Korea, “Korea's Fiscal Health and Financial are in Good Growth”

NSP NEWS, By Hanah Choi Journalis, 2016-09-07 18:15 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = Moody's corp. assessed that Korea's fiscal health and financial are in good growth.

According to the bank of Korea on 6th, BOK Governor Lee Juyeol had an annual consultation with the Financial Services Commission including Marie Diron, senior vice president in Moody's Corp. who visited for korea's credit valuation.

In this official meeting, They looked into South Korea's macroeconomic policies, including its mid- and long-term plans, and financial issues like household debt and corporate restructuring, according tothe finance ministry.


Moody's evaluated"the economic growth of Korea shows signs of relatively solid growth compared with other countries and fiscal health and foreign reserves are also in good shape.

Lee explained that"Moody's upgrade of South Korea's rating in December last year contributed to enhancing globalconfidence in Asia's fourth-largest economy amid heightened volatility in global financial markets."

Moody's upgraded the rating for South Korea to"Aa2"(stability) from Aa3 (positive) in this time.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist,
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