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Samsung, Amazon partner for HDR10 Plus

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By dILFUZA Sultanova Jo, 2017-04-21 09:40 END7
#Samsung #Amazon #HDR10 Plus

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Samsung Electronics will launch its next-generation High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology in cooperation with Amazon, which provides video streaming services to more than 200 countries around the world.
Samsung will be the first HDR10 Plus content partner of Amazon and will provide various streaming services based on 'HDR10 Plus' to consumers all over the year through 'Amazon Prime Video' app.
Samsung Electronics offers 'Prime Prime Video' in the 2017 Samsung QLED TV and UHD TV series supporting the HDR10 Plus, and provides the best viewing experience with the most advanced HDR technology.
“The HDR10 Plus, an open-source solution available to anyone in the industry, will give users an incredible viewing experience”, “We will work closely with our partners including Amazon to further expand the HDR10 Plus ecosystem and lead the next generation of HDR technology”, said Lim Kyung Won, Managing Director, Video Display Division of Samsung.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist,
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