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Increase in Import-export Freight at Yeongil Bay Port, Pohang City, Expecting to accomplish the Target 125,500TEU

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-07-09 13:48 END7
#Pohang city #Yeongil Bay Port #container volume

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = A container volume at Yeongil Bay port accomplished a total of 56,296TEU as of the end of June. Increasing by 25.5% compared to 44,826TEU of the first half of last year, it has recorded the highest increase rate since 2012.

The target of this year at Yeongil Bay port is to handle import-export freight(125,500TEU), and given that a container volume tends to be more converged in the second half of the year in general, it seems that the target volume of this year will be sufficiently accomplished.

By item, a trend of increase was highest in car volume, which increased by 60% compared to the same period of 2017, handling 23,265TEU, steel-related cargo increased by 6%, handling 29,338TEU and wood pellets increased by 111%.


Cars and steel are expected to exceed a target volume, handling 56% and 62% of the targets of this year, and as the purchase quantities of power plants are imported in earnest from the second half of this year, wood pellets are expected to show a steady upward trend as well.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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