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Samsung, Plans to invest 180 trillion KRW and employ 40,000 people directly over the next 3 years

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-08-08 21:45 END7
#Samsung #investment #employment

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Samsung announced economic activation · job creation plans with the gist of △expanding new investment △creating youth jobs △nurturing future growth business △creating an open innovation ecosystem △strengthening win-win cooperation on Aug 8, 2018.

The company plans to expand its new investment and recruitment for activating economy and fostering new industries in order to establish a growth base for the future.

To this end, it will newly invest 180 trillion KRW(130 trillion KRW in Korea) over the next 3 years, which will induce 700,000 direct and indirect employment, including 40,000 direct employment.


In addition, it will invest about 25 trillion KRW in 4 future growth projects such as AI, 5G, bio and electronic equipment parts.

In particular, Samsung will create a dedicated fund for the 3rd partners(Win-Win Fund & Goods Payment Fund) of 700 billion KRW in total in order to expand its partnership support program, which has been operated focusing on the 1st and 2nd partners, to the 3rd partners.

A Samsung official explained, “The current economic activation · job creation plans have been reported to the board of directors of the affiliated companies, and they are focused on making Samsung, small and medium-sized businesses and youth win-win and contribute to the sustainable growth of the national economy by being implemented in a genuine and sustainable manner.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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