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Yanolja Inc., Taking Over WDesignHotel(WNH)

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-09-07 15:05 END7
#Yanolja #WDesignhotel(WHN) #Acquisition

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Yanolja Inc.(CEO, Lee Su Jin) gives impetus to strengthening the hotel franchise business, taking over WDesignHotel(WNH), the largest hotel brand in Busan and Gyeongnam Area.

WDesignHotel(WNH) is the hotel franchise brand of WDesignGroup, which has designed a number of high-class residential space including premium penthouses such as Marine City, I-Park, and The Zenith in Busan city.

It owns three brands such as premium hotel, ‘HOUND’, design boutique hotel, ‘BROWN DOT’, and luxury hotel, ‘NO. 25’.


Through this takeover, Yanolja Inc. came to secure 7 hotel brand lineups in total including 3 brands of WNH, including a unique hotel, ‘H Avenue’, lifestyle hotel, ‘Heyy’, and small and medium-sized brand, ‘Hotel Yaja’ and ‘Hotel Yam’.

Furthermore, Yanolja Inc. plans to secure more than 210 franchise hotels nationwide by the end of this year and to strengthen its leadership in the domestic hotel franchise market.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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