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Growing Voice for Google Tax Introduction↑… “Add and Clarify Electronic Services”

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-09-29 08:12 END7
#Google Tax #Fair Taxation #National Assembly

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = It is strongly pointed out that a fair taxation on global ICT(Information and Communications Technologies)companies such as Google, Apple, etc should be imposed.

In particular, as overseas companies such as Google, Apple, etc. avoid tax, there is reverse discrimination for domestic ones, so the argument of equal taxation is increasing.

The debate on ‘The controversial Google tax and Whether foreign business owners are properly paying taxes’ was jointly hosted by CCEJ(Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice), Park Youngsun and Kim Seongsu, members of the National Assembly(Democratic Party of Korea) at the National Assembly, Yeouido, Seoul on the 28th, which attracted attention.


In addition, it was added that it is necessary to grasp the online game sales of overseas companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., etc. and the sales with the advent of new services(shared economy, and wired, wireless video(Netflix)).

Meanwhile, the related industry says, “Although it is continuously pointed out that global companies such as Google, Apple, etc. are avoiding tax due to the lack of domestic laws, the authorities including the National Assembly are showing a weak attitude to overseas companies, but a strong one to domestic companies,” and insists, “A fair taxation policy should be made by correcting tilted playgrounds which are more favorable to global corporations globally.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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