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SK Telecom, Completed Acquisition of ADT CAPS

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-10-02 08:04 END7
#SK Telecom #ADT CAPS #Acquisition #AI Security

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK Telecom Co., ltd(Park Jeong Ho, CEO) opens the age of AI security, completing acquisition of ADT CAPS on Oct 1, 2018.

SK Telecom acquired 100% stake in ADT CAPS collaborating with Macquarie Group Limited(hereafter, MKIF). SK Telecom secured a 55% stake in ADT CAPS and management rights.

Park Jeong Ho, CEO, said, “The security market is the battleground of fourth industrial revolution which competes with global ICT companies such as Google and Amazon,” and clarified, “We will create a synergy in earnest by introducing New ICT technologies, such as video security technology, AI, IoT, Big Data, and 5G
into ADT CAPS.”


Meanwhile, SK Telecom plans to merge its physical security provider, ‘NSOK’, an affiliate of SK Telink, with ADT CAPS. And it plans to acquire 100% stake in NSOK from SK Telink and finalize the merger within this year.

As the acquisition is finalized, the organization and management of ADT CAPS will soon be reorganized. The company name and service brand of ADT CAPS remain the same.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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