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Samsung, acquired Zhilabs to expand 5G infrastructure worldwide

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2018-10-17 16:19 END7
#samsung #electronics #삼성전자(005930) #5G

(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(hereafter Samsung Electronics) acquired Zhilabs which is specialized in the field of analyzing Network Traffic and its quality for a new generation.

With AI(Artificial Intelligence) introduced to Network Traffic Analysis, Zhilabs' solution is to execute Root Cause Analysis, Auto trouble shooting & Optimization, etc.

Until now, the quality of communication network has been measured by the sum of users' network speed from particular areas provided with the service or how long it was delayed.


However, from now on, users can measure the service quality according to their individual experiences with applications they use by checking whether video buffering happens or not, no sound during calls, etc.

In addition, when it comes to management for networks, it will be effective by automatically-optimized service.

Kim Young Gi, President of Network Department in Samsung Electronics said"5G is expected to achieve its boundless growth as a new service provider as well as a fourth industrial revolution platform for smartphones."and"Samsung Electronics will take actively part in expanding 5G infrastructure collaborating with global communication service providers including Zhilabs."

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jeonghyun go Journalist,
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