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Hyundai Motor invests hydrogen industry for Korea-China in earnest.

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2018-10-29 19:21 END7
#Hyundai Motor #Hydrogen #현대차

(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = To achieve the goal of hydrogen society sooner, Hyundai Motor Company(hereafter Hyundai Motor) plans to enhance its influence on an ecosystem of hydrogen industry by setting up a fund for hydrogen with a Chinese Technology company.

Hyundai Motor decided on its investment for innovative start-ups in the value chain of hydrogen industry by having a partnership with Beijing-Tsinghua Industrial R&D Institute (hereafter Tsinghua R&D Institute) to set up a fund.

The Hydrogen fund will be made and managed by Hyundai Motor and Yield Capita, a investment specialist in Tsinghua R&D Institute.


Major investment targets will be start-up companies which have infrastructures as well as core technologies related to hydrogen industry in Korea and China. Additionally, not only equity investments but also systematic supports for start-ups' incubations each country is operating will be included.

Their strategies will lead the economy based on hydrogen and strengthen technologies for both countries by making hydrogen a future energy ultimately.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jeonghyun go Journalist,
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