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The Prosecution demanded 30.1 billion won fine in BMW Korea's manipulation case.

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2018-11-08 23:15 END7
#BMW Korea #Emission #Prosecution

(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = BMW Korea said"Please keep watching us until a final trial."

The Prosecution has demanded that BMW Korea will be fined an amount of 30.1 billion won for importing vehicles that were certified for emissions in a dishonest way.

The prosecution requested that BMW Korea should be fined 30.14 billion won in the decisive trial by Judge Kim Hyun-duk which was held in Seoul Central District Court.


One of journalists who participated in the trial said"An attorney for BMW Korea admitted the manipulation suspicion and also requested that the court should consider the case based on not deceiving the authority but following a more convenient way."

The attorney for BMW Korea also said"The company pleads guilty, but it did not manipulate willfully."and added"The Department of the Environment already imposed a fine of 26.8 billion won on BMW Korea."to ask for mercy.

An official from BMW Korea said"The case is going through the process of trials right now, so we have nothing to say, but please keep watching us until a final trial."

BMW Korea was prosecuted for importing 29,000 vehicles that were certified in National Institute of Environmental Research by manipulating emission reports since 2011. Accordingly, they will be sentenced on January 10th, 2019.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jeonghyun go Journalist,
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