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Samsung Electronics, Establishing ‘Smart Factory Support Center’

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-12-13 19:21 END7
#Samsung Electronics #Smart Factory #Support Center #Kim Jong Ho

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Samsung Electronics established a ‘Smart Factory Support Center’.

The Smart Factory Support Center is an organization directly under the directorship of CEO. The ‘Smart Factory Support T/F’ which was made to systematically promote smart factory support business in 2015 was upgraded to this center.

Kim Jong Ho, former global quality innovation chief (adviser), who is known as a global top manufacturing professional, was appointed as the head of the center.


Kim Jong-ho, who became the head of the center this time, joined Samsung Electronics in 1983, has been in charge of production management within the company, and is considered a manufacturing master in the company.

Samsung Electronics, together with the Small and Medium Venture Business Division, will create a total of KRW 100 billion for the next five years by KRW 10 billion each year, expanding smart factories to 2,500 SMEs.

Samsung Electronics has added KRW 10 billion finances for five years to support excellent products, hold technical exhibitions, and find and match domestic and international business partners and investors as well.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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