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Wemade, Winning a Lawsuit Against Chinese Web Game ‘Legend of Dominance Tour’ Service under Copyright Infringement

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-12-29 11:43 END7
#Wemade #The Legend of Mir 2 #Legend of Dominance #Copyright Infringeme #Lawsuit

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Wemade Entertainment Co.,Ltd. won a lawsuit against 37 Jointly Games, the game developer of the web game ‘Legend of Dominance Tour’ which has infringed the copyright of ‘The Legend of Mir 2(Chinese name: 热血传奇)’.

‘Legend of Dominance Tour’ was launched at the end of 2014 and has been successful until now, ranking first in the Chinese web game market.

In April 2016, Wemade asked the Intellectual Property Tribunal in Beijing for a ban on the service on the grounds that the web game, ‘Legend of Dominance Tour’ not only infringed on ‘The Legend of Mir 2’ copyrights but also used the value of ‘The Legend of Mir 2’ without a fair price.


The Beijing Intellectual Property Tribunal, one of the three intellectual property courts in China, accepted the opinion of Wemade, stated that the service of the web game, ‘Legend of Dominance Tour(Chinese name: 传奇霸业)’ which hadn’t received the formal license of ‘The Legend of Mir 2’ had committed copyright infringement and unfair competition, and decided to stop the company from providing the service.

In accordance with the Chinese court ruling, 37 Jointly Games must immediately suspend the game service, marketing, and operation of the web game, ‘Legend of Dominance Tour’, and discard all related materials.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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