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Samsung Electronics, Opening ‘Samsung Experience Store’ at Dubai Mall

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2019-01-16 22:34 END7
#Samsung Electronics #Dubai Mall #Experience Store #Connected Living

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. newly opened Samsung Experience Store at Dubai Mall, the world's largest shopping mall in Dubai, UAE on Jan 15, 2019(local time).

Samsung Experience Store is a store focusing on the Connected Living solution experience, where consumers can experience products and the services that are interlocked between products, not a space where products are simply displayed.

This store is located at the entrance of electronic shops on the second floor of Dubai Mall, which is the largest store as Samsung Electronics’ product store with a size of 915㎡(about 300 pyeong).


In addition, the consumers can directly experience various products from household appliances such as refrigerators, and washing machines, including TVs, to mobile devices such as smart phones, wearable devices, etc., compare the characteristics and merits of products, and purchase them.

“This is the second space to experience and sell all Samsung products, following Madrid in Spain,” said Lee Cheong Yong(director), Head of Samsung Electronics’ UAE Corporate, “It is expected that through the Experience Store, consumers will be able to experience the innovative products and solutions of Samsung Electronics.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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