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Hyundai Motors trying entry into eco-friendly cars market in Europe.

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-04-16 01:35 END2
#Hyundai Motors #H2E #Europe #현대차(005380)

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = Hyundai Motors plans to enter into european market for eco-friendly vehicles by establishing Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility with Hydrogen Energy Company, H2 Energy(H2E).

Hyundai Motors plans to gradually provide 1600 units of hydrogen electric large truck to Hydrogen Mobility on a yearly basis until 2025 through the contract.

Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, the joint venture from Hyundai Motors and H2E plans to explore various businesses based on Hydrogen energy by providing lease agreement of hydrogen electric large trucks throughout Switzerland.


Furthermore, with this joint venture, Hyundai Motors plans to attract european customers interested in eco-friendly vehicles market and expand its domestic market toward foreign markets including the United States.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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