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KT, Developed 5G RF Repeater with Small and Medium-sized Business Partners

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2019-05-29 20:19 END7
#KT #5G RF Repeater #interlocking #commercial networks

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = KT has completed the development of '5G RF repeater' which can quickly secure the coverage of 5G in-building and the interlocking of commercial networks along with small and medium-sized business partners in Korea.

The newly developed RF repeater is a solution to secure 5G coverage and improve the quality of service by installing it in a shaded area of small in-building where it is difficult for 5G base station radio waves to reach, such as small buildings and underground parking lots.

The newly developed 5G RF repeater is characterized by the performance of the base station synchronous extraction function which is necessary for digital signal processing and relay signal transmission and reception switching for 5G signal relay on one integrated digital board.


This approach made it easier to secure cost-effective solutions and to expand 5G coverage early.

To provide coverage scalability and high quality 5G wireless service, 5G RF repeater has completed the verification of major repeater requirements such as frequency stability, maximum output, and propagation delay.

By completing the interworking test with the existing KT 5G commercial base stations and terminals, which are currently being established, it can immediately apply them to commercial use.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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