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Hyundai Motors sold 352,468 cars in July, which was increased by 1.6% compared to the one in July last year.

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-08-03 00:10 END7
#Hyundai Motors #Avante #Grandeur #Sonata #Genesis

(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = Hyundai Motors achieved sales performance of 352,468 car units in July, which turns out the increased figure by 1.6% from the one in July last year.

The figure involves the decreased domestic sales by 0.1% and the increased overseas sales by 2.0%.

Hyundai Motors plans on reaching out its sales goal by making a quick decision for consumers based on district headquarters despite global economic depression and trade industry getting worse.


Hyundai Motors sold 60,286 units domestically in July.

The domestic sales was led by sedan types with 8071 Sonatas sold including 1737 units of LF model and one LF hybrid car, which is followed by 6135 Grandeurs including 2289 hybrid cars, 5428 Avantes, etc, and 21,000 units were sold as a total.

When it comes to Genesis, 4149 units were sold in total including 1726 units of G80s, 1270 G70s and 1153 G90s.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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