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Hyosung, its new investment of carbon fiber

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-08-21 19:52 END7
#Hyosung #Carbon fiber

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = Hyosung had agreement ceremony for its new investment of carbon fiber at its plants producing carbon fiber in Jeonju.

It was on the agreement ceremony that Hyosung has a partnership with Jeonju-si regarding ▲newly enlarged production and support for investment and ▲Alliance MOU with Ministry of Trade and Industry, ILJIN Composite and KAI to cooperate more strongly.

Hyosung plans to make its current production of 2000t go up to 24,000t per a year with the investment of 1 trillion won by 2028.


Hyosung is in the process of establishing for the first enlargement, which enables Hyosung to be equipped with the plant to produce 2000t of carbon fiber in 2020 and to start production from Feb. in 2020.

It is expected that Hyosung will become one of top 3 global companies in the field with 10% market share in 2028 once its enlargement project is done including 10 lines. Its current market share is 2% and Hyosung ranked 11th this year.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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