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Lotte Data Communication with newly upgraded delivery system.

NSP NEWS, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-10-01 10:09 END7
#Lotte #Data communication

(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = Lotte Data Communication plans to enlarge its delivery system. They said that they have recenetly built up new delivery system for Global Logistics.

The new delivery system involves a delivery, management of delivery, dealing with accident, assessment, billing process. It allows them to combine all works into one process making consumers feel more comfortable to use.

District split has improved more in detail according to buildings, which reduces mislocation. It also saves a lot of time to sort out.


Estimated amount of delivery per a day has been more accurate as well, which allows consumers to expect their mails to come earlier and reduce delayed cases.

Ma Yong Deuk, President of Lotte Data Communication said “We are pretty sure the improvement mentioned ealier will make Global Logistics more competitive and dedicated to business transformation.”

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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