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WEMADE won the case of infringement against 37games in China.

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-12-07 23:21 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = WEMADE won the case of infringement related to mobile Electro-Establishment against 37games on 5th of Dec.

In Shanghai Botagou, WEMADE accused them of the fact that Electro-Establishment infringed Legend of Mir2 as well as damaged its IP value without justified agreement in July, 2017.

The court of China accepted WEMADE’s opinion and announced that Electro-Establishment must stop infringing Legend of Mir2 since there hasn’t been any license between both parties.


According to the court’s decision, 37games is to stop and delete all related contents as well as compensate for the infringement.

Additionally, WEMADE plans on getting to have a closer relationship and cooperation with authority for illegal IP infringement related cases of Legend of Mir2 to protect and manage their IP thoroughly.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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