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LG Electronics, Recording The Largest Annual Sales Ever in 2019

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-01-30 22:55 END7
#LGElectronics #HighestAnnualSales

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = LG Electronics recorded 62.3062 trillion KRW in sales and 2.4361 trillion KRW in operating profit on a consolidated basis last year(2019).

Sales were the largest ever on an annual basis, up 1.6% from 61.3417 trillion KRW the previous year. As a result, sales exceeded 60 trillion KRW for three consecutive years. Operating profit decreased 9.9% from the previous year(2.7033 trillion KRW).

The performance of the household appliances business, which has increased the proportion of premium products such as LG SIGNATURE and new appliances, was outstanding. The H&A Business Division surpassed its annual sales of 20 trillion KRW for the first time by increasing control in the global premium market. Operating profit(1.9962 trillion KRW) and operating margin(9.3%) respectively were the largest ever in history.


VS Business Division’s annual sales exceeded 5 trillion KRW for the first time. BS Business Division also recorded high sales, operating profit, and operating margin.

This year, the home appliance market is expected to experience greater volatility due to intensifying competition and unstable international conditions. The H&A Business Division plans to strengthen its business portfolio by expanding sales of new growth and premium products and to generate stable profits through the efficient resource input and continuous cost improvement.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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