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DoubleDown Interactive, Announcing The Scope of Public Offering Price For US NASDAK

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-06-19 18:03 END7
#DoubleDown #Interactive #publicofferingprice #Nasdaq

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = On June 19, DoubleDown Interactive (DDI), a subsidiary of DoubleU Games Co., Ltd, submitted a securities report on the scope of public offering price and the number of ADSs that will be collected and sold in the U.S. to the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Korean Financial Supervisory Service(Fss).

The scope of public offering price ranges from US$17 to US$19 per ADS(US Depository Securities), the ADS to be recruited is 5.5 million ADS, and the ADS to be sold is 5.5 million ADS.

The fund raised by DoubleDown Interactive(DDI) through this public offering is expected to be $93.5 million to $145 million through the initial public offering.


The public offering process in the United States is scheduled to end on June 30.

DoubleDown Interactive is the main body that acquired DoubleDown Interactive LLC of the United States in 2017, and is a key subsidiary of DoubleU Games, which is in charge of the development and service of DoubleDown Casino.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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