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GS E&C, Promoting the Introduction of a ‘Four-legged Walking Robot’ on Site... Succeeding in a Demonstration Test

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-07-14 09:45 END7
#GSE&C #SPOT #WalkIng Robot #ConstructionSite #Cupix

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = GS E&C plans to introduce ‘SPOT’, a four-legged walking robot to the construction site for the first time in Korea.

GS E&C announced that it successfully conducted a demonstration test to use SPOT, which is a four-legged walking robot from ‘Boston Dynamics’ of the United States, at the construction site in cooperation with a construction software startup, ‘Cupix’.

GS E&C and Cupix installed various high-tech equipment, such as LIDAR equipment, a 360-degree camera, and a IoT sensor in SPOT earlier this month, and conducted a demonstration test at construction and housing sites in Korea.


Based on the successful demonstration test, GS E&C and Cupix will use it for quality inspection of defects before moving into the apartment site in the future, and also to review the process and quality status at the infrastructure bridge construction sites.

Furthermore, it plans to install various IoT sensors in SPOT and use them in various fields such as safety management at construction sites by detecting harmful gases in hazardous areas and thermal burns.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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