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GS E&C, Introducing ‘Robot Guide’ in the Sample House for the First in the Industry

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-07-28 08:57 END7
#Xibot #GSE&C #RobotGuide #Samplehouse

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = GS E&C is the first Korean construction company to introduce an autonomous AI robot guide, ‘Xibot’, into an apartment sample house.

The introduction of Xibot is aimed at providing more diverse services to customers in the post-Corona era as well as increasing the relief effect for customers who are anxious about face-to-face contact amid growing concerns over Corona 19.

The Xibot, which will be introduced this time, is a model produced by optimizing LG Electronics’ ‘CLoi’ for a sample house. It is a self-driving service guidance robot that complies with ISO 13482, an international robot safety standard. ‘CLoi’ has been installed in public places such as airports, but this is the first time it has been installed in the sample house.


In particular, it is possible to avoid obstacles by recognizing objects within 25m long distance and 0.05m close range, and to exchange conversations as AI voice recognition technology(NLP) is applied.

The Xibot will provide various services such as the overview and location of the complex, location, complex layout, layout of building number, floor plan, the space guidance of the sample house, and subscription schedule within the sample house. As it is also equipped with a touch monitor, customers’ questions can be checked immediately.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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