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Samsung Electronics, Succeeding in Verifying ‘5G Network Slicing’ Technology with KDDI in Japan

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-09-23 19:42 END7
#SamsungElectronics #KDDI #5GNetworkingSlicing

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Samsung Electronics succeeded in verifying 5G Network Slicing technology with Japanese mobile operator, KDDI.

This technology verification was conducted at a research center in Tokyo, Japan, using 5G base stations, 5G SA(Standalone) core equipment, and test terminals. In particular, for the first time in the industry, it utilized RAN Intelligent Controller(RIC) that effectively controls base station resources according to service conditions.


When 5G Network Slicing technology is commercialized in earnest, core services in the 5G era such as cloud gaming and AR/VR are expected to spread significantly.

In this verification, Samsung Electronics and KDDI confirmed that quality is stably guaranteed even when users move between the ultra-high-speed virtual network and the ultra-low-latency virtual network according to the service they use.

Samsung Electronics and KDDI plan to propose a standard specification to an international standard organization based on verification results of End-to-End 5G Network Slicing including base stations and cores.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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