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Samsung Electronics, Surpassing 12 Trillion Won in Operating Profit in the Third Quarter, ‘Above Expectation’

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-10-14 15:34 END7
#SamsungElectronics #12TrillionWon #OperatingProfit #ThirdQuarter

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Samsung Electronics announced its provisional results for the third quarter of 2020, with sales of 66 trillion won and operating profit of 12.3 trillion won on a consolidated basis.

In the case of 3Q results, sales increased 24.6% and operating profit increased 50.92% compared to the second quarter, and sales increased 6.45% and operating profit increased 58.1% year-on-year.

This is attributed to the launch of smartphones, such as strong sales of strategic smartphones such as Galaxy Note 20 series and Galaxy Z-Flip 2, the advancement of semiconductors, and the increase in demand for TVs and home appliances.


In particular, Samsung Electronics is getting a positive evaluation for its achievements amid uncertainties such as Corona 19 and the US-China trade dispute in the third quarter.

Stock industry sources say, “66 trillion won in sales is the best quarterly performance, and operating profit is also better than expected, exceeding the initial market estimate of 10 trillion won.”

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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