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Now, Russian patients seek to come visit Korea for medical tourism

NSP NEWS, By 조안나 인턴기자, 2012-07-20 17:04 END1
#부산 #고신대학 순복음병원 #러시아 중증치료 #부산중증치료 #고신대학병원
[NSP news video] Now, Russian patients seek to come visit Korea for medical tourism

[부산=NSP통신] 조안나 인턴기자 = Busan’s medical tourism is changing from
dermatology and plastic surgery to treatment of chronic diseases.


In 2007, more than 8,000 foreign patients have visited Korea. However,
in 2011, there were 120,000 foreign patients, which is 15 times the number of
visiting patients in 2007. The number of Russian patients has increased
tremendously, so much so that there are even Russian doctors who work
during the normal business hours in hospitals in Busan.

Today in NSP‘s 'Korea Doctors', we have interviewed a Russian patient and
a Russian doctor who have visited the hospital that is actively inviting foreign



The hospital, in which numerous foreign patients visit regularly, has more and
more Russian patients coming in, so a Russian doctor now works during the
regular business hours. Furthermore, this hospital, in order to be attractive to
foreign patients, has a separate counter just for foreign patients’counseling
and treatment.


[Director of the hospital]
The number of patients is increasing, and currently, we have at least 3-4
patients visiting and 3-4 operations weekly. The trend is becoming more
prevalent; therefore, we are now trying our best to provide convenience for
foreign patients.


The Russian patients, invited by the hospital, have severe chronic illnesses
that need longer care and housing. This makes the hospital a high
value-added business.


[Director of the hospital]
To break the language barrier, we have a coordinator who can speak
Russian. We also have a patient room just for foreign patients. So I believe
you would be able to stay here comfortably and get the treatment you need.



[So, there are more Russian patients than any other foreign patients?]

[Yes, Russian patients visit us the most.]


[Most of the foreign patients are worried about long waiting lines in
hospitals, including university hospitals.]

[Can you tell us more about that?]

[Yes, we have a separate window exclusively for the foreigners. So if you
came here, a coordinator who speaks Russian will assist you and provide
accommodations. You will be able to get the treatment you need without


At this hospital, there were many foreign patients as well as Korean patients.


[My name is Takiana, and I am a Russian gynecologist.]

[What brings you here?]

[By chance, I was approached by a Korean hospital and given a business
card. Later I had a patient go through surgery due to cervical cancer and I
had to observe her. Because the situation was inconvenient, she had to be
hospitalized in Korea. We have stayed here ever since.]


Because many Russian patients visit the hospital, the institution signed
contracts with Russian doctors and hired coordinators who speak Russian.
This Russian patient is here for precautionary treatment, despite his perfect



[Why do many Russian patients visit this hospital?]

[The director of a hospital:
Most of the time, Russian patients come because of heart disease and,
usually, to get check-ups for acute diseases, such as cancer.]


Cardio echo exam shows the shape of a heart through a video, using
ultrasonic waves. The exam makes the diagnosis more effective than
X-rays and ECG, as it observes the shape of the heart, its movement, and a
blood flow.

In addition, the university hospital is a favorite haunt among people due to
its installation of high-tech equipments called 'Image Guided Radiation
Therapy (IGRT)'. IGRT is a radiation treatment that tracks and demolishes
tumors. The institution also has 'Oncothermia' treatment, which uses
high-frequency thermo-therapy that can have an effect on the
tumor-necrosis itself, functioning without assistance and having little to no
side effects.


[What is the difference between Korean medical attention and Russian
medical attention?]

[There is a huge gap between the two. Korea is more advanced in medical
care, whereas Russia is still struggling to catch up.]



Korea currently has a good reputation for medical attention from countries
such as Thailand, Malaysia, and many other Eastern countries. Now it is
just a matter of correcting the political policies held towards the Korean
medical businesses.

It is very common to see many foreigners visiting Busan for the purpose of
plastic surgery or aesthetic procedures.

However, it is not easy to fly long hours to treat chronic illnesses.

In 5 years there has been 15 times more foreign patients in general, and
Russian patients, with chronic illnesses, in specific. This shows that
Busan’s medical practice is internationally, known and can call itself an
"advanced city".

Currently, the government has assigned Busan to invite many foreigners for
aesthetic purposes; however, as the number of patients visiting Busan for
the treatment of chronic illnesses is constantly increasing, the government
will soon make changes to its policies regarding Busan’s hospitals.

Reporter Anna Joe,
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조안나 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


