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Due to the exotic diet, more people are suffering from osteoporosis.

NSP NEWS, By 조안나 인턴기자, 2012-08-23 14:18 END1
#diet #busan #osteoporosis #Suyeong #Byeongwook Park

[부산=NSP통신] 조안나 인턴기자 = The summer season is here, many people tend to get on a harsh and quick diet. Especially since lots of celebs shows off their sculpted body shapes through media, more people tend to try exotic diets.

We call these"Wanna-be diets".
However, due to the exotic diet, more people are suffering from osteoporosis.
Park Won-wook Hospital(박원욱병원) located in Su-Young Gu(수영구) is the well known for treating osteoporosis in Busan(부산).

So, we asked about the problems frequently being caused by exotic diet, to Jae-young Joe(조재영), who is a famous osteoporosis specialist doctor and the director of Park Won-wook Hopital(박원욱병원).


He said that with increasing numbers of women dieting, we see more osteoporosis and weight incubation after harsh diets.

These women are already in good shape but try to lose even more weight, which is a danger to their health.
The core reason why women on pretty harsh diets get osteoporosis easily is due to bone loss, caused by insufficient nutrients, such as proteins, calcium, and vitamin D.

Dr. Joe, the osteoporosis specialist, also says that"Osteoporosis caused by harsh diets does not show any external symptoms, but weakens the bones.

Therefore, it is important to always get health checks at hospitals in order to make sure you are not suffering from this."

This hospital arranged professional machines and systems that can check for osteoporosis, using QCT with C-T machine and Bone Densitometer followed by DEXA(덱사).

For precautionary purposes, it is best to have nutrition balanced meals, exercise regularly and have a healthy lifestyle.

Also, letting our skin be exposed to natural sunlight is a good source of vitamin D, which helps bones absorb calcium and tone muscle.

Most people only consumes 58.1% of the recommended 550 milligrams of calcium each day. People should make sure to eat enough dairy products for the calcium. These include milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Finally, Dr. Joe mentions that osteoporosis is a common disease these days that people can get, but also a disease that can cause us to have socio-economic losses when we get it.

Therefore, it is always important to prevent disease and if infected, to seek out treatment.

조안나 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


