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Krafton, Confirming IPO Price at 498,000 Won.

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2021-07-30 09:54 END7
#Krafton #IPOPrice #498 #000 Won

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Krafton has confirmed the IPO price at 498,000 won, which is the highest level of the expected range. Based on the confirmed IPO price, the public offering funds are 4.3 trillion won, the second largest in the history of the public offering, and the expected market capitalization after listing is about 24.4 trillion won.

As a result, Krafton surpassed the market caps of NCsoft(about 18 trillion won) and Nexon (about 21 trillion won) to become a game leader.

As a result of Krafton’s demand forecast, 621 domestic and foreign institutions participated in the recruitment of 4,759,826 shares, 55.0% of the total public offering volume. The competition ratio was 243:1, which seems to have failed to overcome the exaggeration controversy over the public offering.


There was also a large difference between the prices offered by the organizations participating in the demand forecasting. Of the total 621 bands, 59 were above the top of the band, and 246 were above the top 75% and below 100% of the band. In particular, there were 105 institutions with less than 75% to 100% of the lower band, and 27 ones with less than the lower band. There were 172 ones that did not offer a price.

Regarding this, “In the case of large IPOs, it exceeded 1000:1, but Krafton did not.” “The reason was that the price was still so high that the stock price was not attractive though the IPO price was cut.” explained a domestic institution.

The application volume of institutions that participated in the mandatory retention commitment from the shortest 15 days to the maximum 6 months was only 22.05% of the total application volume. This is too low compared to Kakao Bank(45.3%) and SK IE Technology(63.2%).

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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