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Merger of SK and SK Materials... Preoccupancy in the Global High-tech Material Market Such As Semiconductors and Electric Vehicles

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2021-08-21 17:03 END7
#SK #SKMaterials #Merger #Semiconductor #ElectricVehicle

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK, an investment company, and SK Materials, a key affiliate of high-tech materials, will merge.

SK and SK Materials held a board of directors on the 20th, respectively, and decided on the agenda for the merger between the two companies.

SK will absorb and merge SK Materials in the form of a small-scale merger in which new stocks are issued and exchanged for SK Materials stock, and 1.58 SK common stocks will be allocated for each SK Materials common stock.


The merger is a form in which SK Materials creates a new corporation by physically splitting all business divisions, including special gas, and at the same time, the surviving holding business division is merged with SK.

The new special gas corporation will focus on strengthening business competitiveness and professionalism as a business company. The merger process is to be completed on December 1, following the SK Materials shareholders’ meeting on October 29 and approval of the SK board of directors.

Through this merger, the business promotion system in the advanced material sector will be unified to SK and the corporate governance structure will be simplified, further enhancing corporate value.

An SK official said, “By combining capabilities held by SK and SK Materials, the merger company will have differentiated global competitiveness in semiconductor, battery, display, and eco-friendly material businesses in a short period of time.” “Through rapid growth in global high-tech material markets, it will maximize corporate value and increase shareholder value.”

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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