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South Korea Representative Festival, International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay, 2013

NSP NEWS, By 보티민트 인턴기자, 2012-11-20 10:07 END1
#Suncheon Bay #International #Garden #Exposition #2013

세계 정원 올림픽 ‘순천만 국제 정원 박람회’ ...‘그 열띤 준비 현장속으로’ (2)

[NSP TV] South Korea Representative Festival, International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay, 2013
NSP통신-Birds-eye view of Netherlands Garden (Photo= Source from Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013)
Bird's-eye view of Netherlands Garden (Photo= Source from Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013)

[부산=NSP통신] 보티민트 인턴기자 = Suncheon City is now accelerating the preparation for the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea, 2013.

The Suncheon City Mayor, Jo Choong Hoon, recently visited Nantes City, France - which had the friendly exchange agreement with Suncheon City on October 26th and on October 29th the Mayor was pleased to meet face-to-face with the President of the Republic of Seychelles on his formal visit.

[Interview: Mr. Jo Choong Hoon, The Mayor of Suncheon city]


Suncheon Bay Garden Expo Organizing Committee, the builders, and the organizers are also striving for the early completion of the exposition’s establishment.

Today, we have met Mr. Na Seung Byeong, the Secretary General of the Organizing Committee who is spearheading the spot of Suncheon Bay Garden Expo.

[Interview: Mr. Na Seung Byeong, the Secretary General of Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013 Organizing Committee]

NSP통신-Birds-eye view of Italia Garden (Photo= Source from Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013)
Bird's-eye view of Italia Garden (Photo= Source from Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013)

The ‘International Garden Exposition’ is the international event that is held every year by the International Organization of Horticultural Producers (AIPH).

The garden that is called ‘the last extravagance of life‘ is made up of a group of international works to let people know about the beauty that is being exhibited.

From abroad, there are many gardening products from the 17th and 18th century that are reproduced from Italy and France.

NSP통신-Ms. Hwang Ji Hae, who won the highest prize at the British Chelsea Flower Show 2011 (Photo= Source from Suncheon City)
Ms. Hwang Ji Hae, who won the highest prize at the ‘British Chelsea Flower Show 2011 (Photo= Source from Suncheon City)

From Korea, there is the participation of Ms. Hwang Ji Hae, who won the highest prize at the ‘British Chelsea Flower Show 2011’

In addition, each local government and enterprise are also expected to bring various colorful gardens and oriental medical herb gardens.

The Organizing Committee of Suncheon Bay Garden Expo is running expert groups that were organized and Mr. Kim Myung Gon, Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has been appointed as the general manager.

A great collective effort of 6 expert groups will bring us unforgettable cultural content’s exploitations.

[Interview: Mr. Seo Suk Ja/ Profit Operation Division/ Ticket sales Leader]

Suncheon has come into the spotlight of the 21st century of environment.

All the participators, governors and citizens have been working very hard for the success of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea, 2013.

NSP통신-Image of oriental medical herb garden brought by local government and enterprise (Photo= Source from Suncheon City)
Image of oriental medical herb garden brought by local government and enterprise (Photo= Source from Suncheon City)

Shooting/ Edit = Reporter Park Jae Hwan,

보티민트 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


