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CJ CheilJedang, Accelerating K-Food Territory Expansion

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2022-01-05 08:45 END7
#CJCheilJedang #KFood #globalHQ #Region #foodbusiness

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = CJ CheilJedang separates its headquarters into global HQ and Korea(Region) food business.

The global HQ organizes major functions such as marketing, R&D, and production to efficiently manage business in all regions including Korea. In addition, by establishing the Food Growth Promotion Office under the global HQ, the company plans to enlarge the 6 major global strategic products(GSP, dumplings/chicken/seaweed/kimchi/K-sauce/processed rice) and lead future innovative growth.

For this purpose, GSP organizations scattered within the organization were gathered. Strategic Planning 1 and 2 under the Food Growth Promotion Office will be in charge of discovering and implementing new future growth engines such as plant-based food business and startup investments, as well as strategic planning for growth by region such as the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe.


In the past, the head office was in charge of both overseas subsidiaries and domestic business, but in the future, the Korea Food General Manager will be organized separately to speed up decision-making in the domestic business and strengthen responsible management.

Food Sales Headquarters, Digital Business Headquarters, B2B Business Headquarters, Korea Production Headquarters, and Korea R&D Center are placed under the Korea General Manager to seek to the completion of the business. Kim Sang-ik, former head of the Food Business Operation Division, who contributed to securing CJ CheilJedang’s overwhelming market position based on a deep understanding of the food value chain, will be the head of the Korea General Manager.

Strategies for each overseas region have also been materialized. In particular, considering the situation in which there are many opportunity factors such as growing interest in Asian food and K-culture in Europe, which used to be called ‘the barren land of K-food’, the company plans to establish a British subsidiary in the first half of this year to focus on targeting the European market.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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