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Hyundai Elevator Moves to Chungju Smart Campus

NSP NEWS, By hYUNJIN KIM Journali, 2022-02-07 21:53 END7
#현대엘리베이터 #충주 스마트캠퍼스 #이전

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) hYUNJIN KIM Journalist = Hyundai Elevator kicks off the Chungju era after moving to Chungju Smart Campus at the fifth General Industrial Complex (Yongtan-dong, Chungju).

The campus on 173,097 ㎡ ground comprises a distribution center, R&D center, office building, welfare building, dormitory, and production lines, including sheet metal, assembly, traction machine(TM) buildings.

In particular, the manufacturing engineering system (MES) is applied on the product lines, ensuring competitiveness on the global manufacturing market and strengthening customer responses by connecting the system, equipment, worker, and information and communications technology (ICT).


The company’s former production lines and distribution center run at Icheon and Cheonan were integrated, reducing lead time from order to shipment and building a quick response system through real-time monitoring on all processes. The capability reaches 25,000 a year.

“Our Smart Factory implanted the fourth industrial revolution technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, laying a foundation for the second leap forward,” said the CEO Song Seung-bong. “We will do our best to become a global leader.”

NSP News Agency hYUNJIN KIM Journalist
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