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KU Energy Holdings, Ingichke Mine Project’s Difficulty- AIP Direct Investment, Not the Real True

NSP NEWS, By 보티민트 인턴기자, 2013-01-28 09:06 END7
#KU Energy #Holdings #Uzbekistan #Mine Project #Difficulty

KU에너지홀딩스, 잉키츠키 텅스텐 프로젝트 난항 - AIP증권, 직접투자 사실과 달라

NSP통신-The main gate of Uzbekistan Ingichke open-cast mind.
The main gate of Uzbekistan Ingichke open-cast mind.

[부산=NSP통신] 보티민트 인턴기자 = The Uzbekistan Ingichke Tungsten Mine Project that KU Energy Holdings prosecutes is now faced with a very serious financial difficulty.

Also, it was announced that Japan’s AIP Stock has directly invested 10 billion Yen into the Ingichke Project but it revealed that the investment was not true.

In the beginning, after the Ingichke Tungsten Mine Project was introduced to KU Energy Holdings’ CEO Keum Joongpil by the Uzbekistan Government, the Chairman of DGP Global Mr. Kim who takes care of the consulting said that the pressure is on CEO Keum Joongpil to pay hundreds of millions won to carry forward the project.


In addition, Chairman Kim also said, “For the Ingichke Tungsten Mine Project, works that are related with Uzbekistan Government were not directly solved between the government and the CEO, Geum Joongpil. Meanwhile, we had to resolve the situations with an Uzbekistan material consulting company.

Currently, due to billions of won of debt for the subscriptions to large-capital stocks, CEO Geum Joongpil is now being harassed by creditors and had to close the Kangnam, Seoul office because he could not afford the rental fee. It also turns out that most of the company’s employees have left.

However, even though CEO Geum Joongpil confirmed that the office has been closed and many of the employees have left the company due to the serious financial difficulty, he said, “To fulfill the promise of the direct investment of AIP Stock, 300 million Yen was sent to AIP Energy’s Hong Kong bank account and that funding is flowing to Korea very fast” and “When the funding comes, all problems will be solved.”

Also, CEO Geum Joongpil said, “The Chairman of AIP Stock promised to directly invest 5 billion Yen” and “because of the direct investment for the Ingichke Tungsten Mine Project, AIP Energy was also established in Hong Kong.”

NSP통신-KU Energy Holdings could not pay costs for security inter-system and was forcibly removed
KU Energy Holdings could not pay costs for security inter-system and was forcibly removed

However, Japan AIP Stock’s senior official said, “AIP Stock is a company that invites and receives investment funds from investors, not a direct investment company” and publicly opposed CEO Guem Joongpil’s insistence.

In addition, the official also said, “The amount of the 30 million Yen that we sent to Hong Kong AIP Energy on Nov 15, was because of the verification of Japan AIP’s subsidiary company. It is not the money we can instantly send to KU Energy Holdings.”

Meanwhile, an official was sent to Korea, at the Chairman of Japan AIP Stock’s request, to confirm the claim-obligation relationship with KU Energy Holdings and is heading back to Japan.

보티민트 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>


