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Kakao Games, Investing $15 million in Playable Worlds

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2022-04-22 08:38 END7
#KakaoGames #$15million #PlayableWorlds

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Through Kakao Games Europe subsidiary, Kakao Games made a strategic investment of 15 million dollars(about 18.3 billion won) in Playable Worlds, a U.S. game developer, which develops cloud-native games and metaverse platforms.

Playable Worlds is a developer founded by ‘Ultima Online’, which is considered the beginning of MMORPG, and Raph Koster, the developer of the game platform ‘Metaplace’, which was acquired by Disney in 2010.

On top of that, talented developers from Sony Online and Playdome are working together to develop a metaverse platform that enables game distribution services, including cloud-based MMORPGs.


Through this investment, Kakao Games led the $25 million Series B investment round of Playable Worlds and plans to secure development capabilities for differentiated cloud-based games and metaverse platforms.

Playable Worlds is focusing on development with the goal of unveiling its first cloud-based MMORPG and metaverse platform in 2023.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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