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Seoul Viosys Won against FTHMM over Violeds Patent Case

NSP NEWS, By hYUNJIN KIM Journali, 2022-05-17 23:00 END7
#서울바이오시스 #특허소송 #승소 #바이오레즈

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) hYUNJIN KIM Journalist = Seoul Viosys, a subsidiary of Seoul Semiconductor, announced it won a case against a European home appliances distributor over Violeds, a UV application technology.

Last February, the Korean company filed a lawsuit against a Dutch trade company FTHMM (FTHMM International B.V.), which allegedly sold home appliances that infringed its UV LED technology.

The patent in question was Violeds technology using UV to sterile water, air, and surfaces, purify the air, and remove odor.


The Hague court (Netherlands) favored Seoul Viosys to prohibit distribution to the Netherlands and other European countries and instantly discard the infringed products. Also, resumed breaching activities in the future are subject to a fine of 500 euros per infringing product.

Seoul Viosys brought legal action to court in the Netherlands because it found in another patent lawsuit that infringing products were distributed into other European countries via the Netherlands.

The CEO of Seoul Viosys said, “As the UV LED market grows, the number of intellectual property breaches and distribution of infringed products have also soared,” and added, “optical semiconductor UV LED never be produced without using our patent. So, we will continue to have an active approach on patent infringements with legal actions.”

NSP News Agency hYUNJIN KIM Journalist
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