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KBI Dongkuk Ind., Recording Highest Sales Performance Since Entering Mexico

NSP NEWS, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2022-09-01 07:09 END7
#KBIDongkukInd #Mexico #SalesPerformance

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = KBI Dongguk Industry achieved sales of 15.2 billion won in the first half of this year, five years after entering Mexico.

Established in April 2017 on a scale of 50,000m² in Pesqueria City, Nuevo Leon State, Mexico, KBI Dongkuk Industry Mexico plant produces plastic injection products such as crash pads, headlamps, and rear lamps.

These auto parts are finally supplied to local Hyundai and Kia plants and to overseas automakers such as Chrysler and Mazda.


Starting with sales of 10.3 billion won in 2018, KBI Dongkuk Industry’s Mexico plant achieved sales of 15.2 billion won in the first half of this year alone, and this year, it is cruising toward the highest performance, which is more than three times the sales in the first year of entry.

In the future, it plans to increase the current 120,000 units per year to 220,000 units for Kia‘s new cars, 120,000 units to 145,000 units for Hyundai Motor’s products, and win additional orders for items to be supplied to overseas finished car products such as Mazda.

Accordingly, it is expected to achieve sales of 40 billion won in 2024, an increase of 167% from last year’s sales of 23.9 billion won.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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